Thursday, September 9, 2010

Digital Marketers Adopt SaaS Almost Universally

Digital marketers are quickly adopting Software as a Service (SaaS) tools to rapidly manage and optimize their efforts, according to a new study.
In fact, 100 percent of those surveyed were using at least one Software-as-a-Service-based software tool as part of their day to day operations.

Some of the other key findings included:

–  The top priorities for SaaS tools for digital marketers in 2011 are Web Content Management and Content Testing & Targeting: When asked which tools were being considered as an addition to their suite, 57 percent of marketers responded that Content Testing & Targeting was a top priority. Web Content Management placed second, with 43 percent saying it was a priority.

–  Of all of the tools listed, Web Analytics had the highest percentage of penetration – with more than 90 percent of the respondents saying that their Web Analytics tool was delivered via a SaaS based model.

–  Web Analytics and Web Content Management have the biggest impact on digital marketers' ability to manage their campaigns. 67 percent and 57 percent (respectively) of the respondents said that Web Analytics and WebContent Management were two SaaS based tools that had big impact on their ability to optimize their digital marketing strategy.

Additionally, the research brief includes supporting research from third-party analysts and industry studies which support the idea that SaaS is gaining fast in adoption – and perhaps nowhere faster than in the marketing department.

The data were compiled from a seven-question survey of 105 marketers and technologists conducted by CrownPeak, a provider of SaaS-based Web Content Management solutions, and content marketing and research firm Big Blue Moose and released in a "Marketing From The Cloud" Research Brief analyzing how digital marketers are utilizing SaaS based software tools.

Comment from Das Soumya, Vice President of Marketing for CrownPeak: The goal of this research was to examine how SaaS has been adopted by digital marketers. As the pressure for marketers to do more with less increases in combination with the need for measurability and productivity, it only makes sense that SaaS becomes the predominant way that digital marketers manage their efforts.

Comment from Ian Truscott, a Senior Analyst for Gilbane Group: This research matches with what we've been observing with our clients for some time. SaaS lowers the barrier to entry for digital marketers, often poorly served by long-standing enterprise procurement and information technology implementation processes. These services can still be a significant investment, but requirements like hardware procurement, technology support, budget for upgrades etc. dissolve and the focus returns to functionality and business value.

Contact: Download the research brief here.

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