Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Enterprises Need Help With Virtual Infrastructure Management

Managing the ever-growing virtual infrastructure has become a key concern as organizations virtualize an increasing percentage of their production environment. Issues such as capacity planning, performance and troubleshooting are consuming significant resources as enterprises continue to further leverage virtualization.
These are among the key findings of a survey conducted at VMWorld.
Fifty-three percent of respondents noted that at least half of their business critical applications will be virtualized by the end of this year. This translates into a 17 percent increase from current utilization, showing the rapid rate of virtualization adoption by the enterprise. Beyond adoption of just the virtual infrastructure (hypervisors), respondents listed their top two areas of investment over the next six months as 'virtual storage' and 'virtual management tools.' They further cited performance, security and auditing/reporting as the major reasons for looking for virtual management tools, in addition to those tools provided by the hypervisor vendors.
The survey of 300 enterprise IT managers was conducted by Reflex Systems, a provider of virtualization systems management solutions that integrate security, compliance, audit and management of the virtual environment.

While enterprises are clearly seeing the benefits of leveraging virtualization, IT shops are also staggering under the burden of managing an increasing number of virtual machines across a growing number of applications. Enterprises most frequently cited capacity planning, performance and troubleshooting in the virtual environment as the top three tasks consuming the most significant resources as they continue to further leverage virtualization and begin to have to deal with “virtualization sprawl.'”
As a result, 35 percent ranked network visibility, including flow traffic, monitoring and usage, as the number one capability they are looking for in their virtualization management solutions. Access control and audit of users actions within the systems also ranked highly as features users believed would help them manage their growing virtual infrastructure.
Comment by Pete Privateer, CEO of Reflex Systems: Virtualization promises to simplify and reduce costs, but the reality is that the virtual computing paradigm requires a new set of skills and technologies to manage it. While organizations continue to rapidly adopt virtualization to reduce costs and improve performance, they should consider implementing management tools as early as possible in the lifecycle of their virtualization deployments, to help them maximize the cost and time saving benefits they can achieve throughout their environment.
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