Friday, September 17, 2010

Cloud Apps Playing An Increasingly Important Role In IT

According to data from a soon-to-be-released survey of 150 cloud adopters, cloud applications will play an increasingly important role in enterprise IT.

Forty-five percent of cloud adopters say they plan to have the majority of their IT in the cloud within one year, and 68 percent say this will happen in three years. And while more than 70 percent of cloud adopters said reducing SaaS silos is a priority to increase value and impact of their cloud applications, only four percent had fully integrated them. Forty percent cite existing technology limitations as a reason.

Comment from Chris Barbin, CEO of Appirio: Information silos cost organizations millions of dollars in waste every year and our industry billions. Our experience with nearly 200 enterprises across more than 700 cloud projects has shown us and our customers that cloud applications are a giant step beyond traditional business applications. Yet silos still exist -- mainly because integration, until now, has been point-to-point and focused only on the data, not the user. We developed CloudWorks so enterprises can finally unlock the full potential of the cloud.

Appirio has just  introduced CloudWorks, the first cloud broker technology to help enterprises unleash information from SaaS silos, solving a growing problem faced by enterprises who are moving multiple applications to the cloud.


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