Thursday, September 23, 2010

SMBs Plan To Up IT Spending By 4% By End Of 2010

Planned IT spending by small and medium businesses (SMBs) is on the rise for the second half of the year, according to a new Spiceworks survey. Overall IT budgets are up an additional four percent from the first half of 2010.

Survey result highlights:

-- Budgets for the second half of 2010 increased 4 percent over figures reported in the first half of the year. This brings the average annual IT budget for small and medium businesses to $121,770, which is up from the $117,200 reported for the first half of 2010.

-- Virtualization investments continue to grow within the small and medium business sector with 68 percent of IT professionals planning to utilize some form of virtualization by the end of 2010. This is up from the 63 percent reported for the first half of 2010. Currently, 52 percent of SMB IT professionals utilize virtualization in their networks, which is up from the 44 percent who did so at the beginning of 2010.

-- In line with the first half of 2010, the majority of small and medium business IT professionals (65 percent) plan to keep their IT staff the same size between now and year-end. While 20 percent plan to add full-time IT staff before the end of 2010, companies with fewer than 20 employees are most confident in their plans with nearly one in four (23 percent) planning to add new staff. This is nearly double the 12 percent of companies with 20-99 employees and the 18 percent of companies with 100 or more employees that plan to do the same.

-- 42 percent of IT budgets for the remainder of the year are allocated to hardware purchases, which is down from the 47 percent reported for the first half of 2010. The majority of purchases are designated for replacing aging hardware systems.

-- 35 percent of IT budgets for the second half of 2010 are allocated to software purchases. Among SMB IT professionals, 34 percent plan to tackle server operating system upgrades before year-end. The most popular planned software purchase is antivirus/anti-spam software with 67 percent of respondents planning to buy new, upgrade or renew antivirus/anti-spam software.

-- Overall spending on hosted IT services is down for the second half of 2010. 48 percent of IT professionals plan to purchase new, upgrade or renew at least one IT service, which is down from the 56 percent reported for first half of 2010. However, hosted email purchase plans rose to 38 percent from the 23 percent reported for the first half of 2010. Nearly one in three of those planning hosted email purchases in the second half of 2010 will buy new services rather than upgrade or renew existing services.

Comment from Jay Hallberg, co-founder and vice president of marketing for Spiceworks: While the state of the economy is still a concern among small and mid-sized companies, they continue to increase their technology spending plans. Bright spots are clearly seen in strategic areas and in those that help businesses do more with existing resources. We'll continue to watch how these plans unfold over the next six months.

About the survey: Findings were uncovered in the second semi-annual "State of SMB IT" technology survey for 2010, which investigates current technology purchasing, usage and staffing trends among SMBs worldwide. The study of 3,011 IT professionals was conducted in July and August 2010 by the Spiceworks Voice of IT Market Research Program. The State of SMB IT survey for the second half of 2010 included 3,011 respondents from 117 countries around the world. Those surveyed work in organizations with fewer than 1,000 employees and were among the more than 1 million SMB IT professionals who use the free Spiceworks IT management software to manage their computer networks.

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