Thursday, September 9, 2010

Comm Service Providers Face Major Obstacles To Realizing Telecom Potential

Communications service providers (CSPs) know there are a ton of opportunities for market growth and operating efficiencies, through better customer service delivery, network optimization and process automation, but they are less optimistic about being able to take advantage of them, according to new research.
    The research surveyed executive and senior management from a range of CSPs from diverse geographies and across multiple service sectors including wireless, consumer broadband, and enterprise and wholesale.
    While many were positive about the potential of new technologies and services to attract and retain customers, they were less confident about their ability to deal with increasing complexity.
    Particular concerns included: how to manage services that span multiple providers' networks; intelligent mechanisms to offload booming wireless broadband traffic to fixed networks; and the limitations of CRM for understanding complex service/device/network information.

    Conversely, introducing value-added services, including multi-play; developing intelligent pipes to deliver content with tiered QoS (quality of service) and QoE (quality of experience); and migrating to all-IP networks are areas of potential growth that the obstacles inhibit.
    The data and insights come from Telcordia, a developer of IP, wireline, and mobile telecommunications software and services, which commissioned the independent research to explore CSP attitudes about ongoing industry change, value creation and market expansion as well as to identify obstacles that keep CSPs from realizing the potential of telecom. Industry analyst firm Analysys Mason conducted the research.
    Specific insights from each market segment include:

–  Wireless operators expect to reduce operational expenditures (OPEX) through smarter use of network assets using traffic and bandwidth management.

– Broadband service providers are coping with increasingly complex service packages by expanding their support system infrastructure.

– Enterprise service providers recognize an uptick in cloud-based offerings and are investigating intelligent, automated ways to manage capacity in real time.

    Comment from Larry Goldman, Partner, Head of Software Subscription Research, Analysys Mason: The research underscores the diversity of issues that CSPs must address and the diversity of practical strategies they are considering. There is strong recognition by CSPs of specific obstacles to progress, and it is clear that additional expertise and partnerships will be integral to overcome them so they can maximize their market opportunities.
    Comment from Adan Pope, Chief Technology Officer and Chief Strategy Officer, Telcordia: The research indicates that a more sophisticated view of service creation and delivery involving real-time monitoring, proactive assurance and seamless integration within service bundles, is key to long-term success and truly realizing the potential of their offerings. Creating intelligence within the network and finding ways to monetize that data are seen as having significant value potential across multiple market sectors, especially as networks evolve toward all-IP architectures.

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