Friday, May 6, 2011

Small Business Decision Makers Are Hazy On “Cloud Computing”

Following a traditional path of conservative investment in technology, small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) have been slow to adopt new technologies, such as cloud computing, according to a survey.

Only 10 percent of SMBs have deployed cloud technologies and 72 percent of respondents don't understand or are not familiar with the technology.

Of the businesses currently without cloud computing technologies, only 2 percent plan to deploy cloud-based solutions this year, with an additional 20 percent still weighing the cost and benefits of various solutions.

The survey also found that the IT role within SMBs is evolving to include business development and day-to-day operations responsibilities.

Of the 78 percent who indicated they have in-house support, 79 percent said that the role of IT is involved in other areas of the business, including operations, business development and sales. Of the 22 percent outsourcing support to vendors, 52 percent cited cost as the primary reason.

Comment from said Alex Terry, General Manager of Zoomerang: More often than not, the IT role within a small or midsize business may be fulfilled by the most technology savvy employee, requiring them to juggle multiple responsibilities on top of keeping the company's technology up and running. With limited resources, businesses are looking to every employee to contribute and as a result, the IT role is gradually shifting from one of support to one of support and revenue generation. As to the findings on cloud adoption, these numbers are quite staggering given that cloud vendors are investing huge amounts of money in marketing to showcase the benefits of cloud computing. This research points to the need for cloud vendors to instead educate business owners on what cloud computing means and how it is relevant to SMBs.

About the survey: The survey of more than 500 decision makers was conducted by Zoomerang Online Surveys and Polls. It provides a glimpse of how IT is managed among SMBs and offers a snapshot of cloud computing awareness and adoption.

Contact: Click here to view the report in its entirety.


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