Friday, May 6, 2011

More Than Two Thirds Of Global Organizations Plan To Adopt Cloud Strategy

Sixty-eight percent of IT professionals say their organizations either have implemented, or plan to implement, a cloud computing strategy within six months, according to a survey.

However, 51 percent do not think their IT service management (ITSM) processes are mature enough to effectively manage cloud-based services, 26 percent think their organizations are ready, while the remaining 23 percent feel unsure.

The survey also revealed that only eight percent of organizations currently use their ITSM tool to manage cloud-based services; 19 percent think their current tool could support management of cloud services, but they have just not started to do so. About one-third (31 percent) of IT professionals indicate that their current ITSM tool would not support the management of cloud-based services; the remaining 42 percent of respondents feel unsure.

Sixty-eight percent have set or implemented plans to adopt cloud computing. A significant number of respondents (28 percent) indicate that their organizations have already adopted a cloud strategy in one or more areas. Regarding future plans for cloud-based services, five percent of respondents have plans to implement cloud services in the next three months. Another 16 percent also have short-term plans to adopt cloud strategies in three-to-six months. With an additional 20 percent of respondents planning to roll out cloud services in six months or beyond, the market shows very clear signs of wide-spread cloud adoption. Only 32 percent percent expressed no current plans to adopt a cloud strategy.

As a report by Gartner last year noted: "Overall, we see the positioning of cloud-driven business and IT services as still emerging. However, the hype and momentum around the use of cloud-computing technologies will drive an accelerated pace and movement of cloud-driven business and IT services through the Hype Cycle milestones at a much faster velocity than other typical items that we normally track. As such, we believe that in less than five years, there will be major shifts and higher adoption ratios."

Comment from Markos Symeonides, Executive Vice President at Axios Systems: ITSM and ITIL (IT infrastructure library) play a critical role in managing cloud services. Many organizations we work with understand IT service supply chains and the need to fully view how their business services are constructed. These organizations must get an end-to-end view for all services, including cloud-based ones. ITSM tools like assystSaaS for ITSM and Service Catalog allow organizations to manage all aspects of IT service provision, including supplier and contract management for cloud computing vendors as well as the traditional ITIL processes like Incident, Problem, Change, Release, Asset and Service Level Management.

About the survey: ITSM provider Axios Systems conducted the survey via poll questions during an April 12, 2011 webcast with attendees from across the globe. The recorded webcast is available here.


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