Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Smarter, Business Policy-Driven Automation is Needed to Fuel Cloud Computing

A profile of U.S. and U.K. cloud adopters reinforces the idea that automation is a key enabler of cloud computing and that a lack of smart, business policy-driven automation may inhibit success with cloud computing.

Although 93 percent of organizations surveyed were interested in one or more types of automation, 65 percent had no automation for their private clouds and 28 percent had only basic automation. Only seven percent could seamlessly move workloads using automation.

Preference for private clouds (45 percent) followed by hybrid clouds (21 percent) 93 percent interested in some form of cloud automation 65 percent have no automation for their private clouds 28 percent have basic automation (automated provisioning of VMs) for their private clouds 40 percent interested in smarter, business-driven automation (policy engines and the decision triggers of automation). Only seven percent have advanced automation including the ability to seamlessly move workloads using smart automation

Comment from the study by Forrester Consulting (sponsored by Abiquo): As enterprises build private clouds, the need for smarter, more business-oriented automation is becoming clear. Our profile revealed varying degrees of automation maturity, which threaten to inhibit many from attaining the desired outcomes of business flexibility and low operational cost. Those with limited automation must evolve beyond their automated provisioning and migration to attain true cloud computing. Their developmental and operational processes must be strong and additional automation technologies that analyze behaviors and also business and regulatory policies will be necessary in order to adapt when deviations are detected.


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