Tuesday, November 23, 2010

B2B Integration And Collaboration For SMEs Are Critical

Seventy-five percent of small to midsized companies say that B2B integration and collaboration are strategic initiatives in their company, a survey has found.

Connectivity between buyers and sellers is similar to social networking solutions. Collaborative networks can be instrumental in launching an average company into best-in-class status, able to compete with even larger businesses. Cloud computing SaaS solutions clearly provide a competitive advantage by reducing customer service demand and managing the complexity of today's business environment.

Comment from Aberdeen's Nari Viswanathan: Thirty-seven percent of SMEs indicate having the ability to collaborate with a network of key customers versus 56 percent of best-in-class companies. Companies should segment their customer base according to revenue and identify the top customers with whom to set up a trading community network. Key process areas should be identified such as order management collaboration, inventory management collaboration, and forecast collaboration. Once identified, these collaborative processes should be implemented.

About the report: Aberdeen benchmarked the involvement of 62 small to mid-size enterprises (SME) regarding B2B integration and collaboration initiatives with a specific emphasis on their trading partner recruitment, enablement, ongoing maintenance, and performance measurement related activities.

Contact: http://www.aberdeen.com

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