Wednesday, November 10, 2010

CIOs Look To Improve Key Business Processes In 2011

Sixty-eight percent of 347 IT professionals who responded to a recent survey said they are expected to deliver tighter application and business process integration, creating more value for the business without significantly adding to the IT budget. Examples include integrating the order-to-cash and procure-to-pay process chains to improve cash flow.

IT professionals on both continents are being pressed to help their companies build a leaner, more agile and competitive business. Other high ranking responses included how to better exploit cloud computing, increasing the use of virtual machines to maximize flexibility and reduce costs, and implementing/extending service-oriented architectures (SOA) to extend the ROI of existing IT assets.

The survey results validate the belief that IT budgets remain tight and enterprise-wide transformational programs have been replaced by less risky, targeted projects that cost less and deliver more immediate results. Also apparent from the consistency of issues related by such a wide range of IT professionals is that, while companies are looking at more targeted projects, they are taking a more holistic approach, addressing the business purpose of the process, the human interaction with the process, process execution and monitoring, and managing the infrastructure required to run the process. Optimizing the business value of key processes lies at the heart of the results.

Comment from Gartner Research analyst Janelle B. Hill: Most companies no longer have the luxury of funding efforts that may succeed eventually; they want guaranteed business results in shorter time frames.

Comment from Andrew Evers, Redwood Software CTO: In this environment CIOs are expecting their organizations to work smarter and increase business agility while absolutely holding the line on costs. They are asking every department to contribute to and own the company's success. The results clearly demonstrate that IT business models have changed.

About the survey: Redwood Software conducted the 2010 IT Priorities survey on workload automation at the SAP TechEd conferences in Berlin, October 12-14, and Las Vegas, October 18-22, among process management IT professionals such as ERP directors, business process managers, application architects and others.


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