Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Rapid Growth Opportunities for Open Source Solutions At Federal Agencies To Consolidate Data Centers

As federal agencies follow their mandate to consolidate their datacenters, both government IT managers and commercial systems integrators (SIs) are focusing on the abilities of open source solutions and open software stacks to help ease this transition, according to a report.

Three of today's major solutions providers are Oracle, IBM, and Hewlett-Packard. The report reviews examples of solutions stacks and potential stack components, including the open source LAMP stack, a system used by government currently that consists of the Linux OS, Apache Web server, MySQL database, and tools such as Perl, PHP, and Python.

Government IT offices should leverage a two- to three-year window of opportunity to help influence the evolution of open source solution stacks chosen by large IT systems integrators (SIs).

The U.S. Federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is giving IT vendors more flexibility with the types of software they choose to integrate into their solutions, and IT systems integrators sometimes can bid lower if they eliminate licensing costs. Opportunities exist for systems integrators and IT services companies to select and customize robust enterprise-wide open source solutions to penetrate the government market and capitalize.

Comment from Shawn P. McCarthy, research director for IDC Government Insights: Datacenter consolidation is about much more than just consolidation. It's also about migrating to new platforms, improving IT economics, eliminating unnecessary software licensing fees, and reducing associated management costs. Our research indicates that with federal investment, centralized open source solution stacks have already emerged at government sites. Because of this investment, and because SIs are heavily involved in the consolidation effort, we expect to see rapid growth for some of these open solution stacks.

About the report: IDC Government Insights' report, Technology Selection: Open Source Solutions Will Drive Datacenter Consolidation and Cloud Growth (Document # GI225382), examines how open source solutions are influencing government datacenter consolidation.


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