Friday, December 17, 2010

Companies More Likely To Virtualize Applications Than Move To Cloud In 2011

Today's enterprise applications continue to grow in number and complexity, and are increasingly business and revenue critical. Recent trends in application development and management, such as the increasing use of service-oriented architecture (SOA), Agile development and the move toward virtualization, are adding to this complexity. In an attempt to wrestle with these new environments, companies are beginning to adopt a collaborative "DevOps" approach to managing mission-critical applications.

According to the survey:

-- Yes to Virtualization, still unsure about Cloud: Respondents indicated greater interest in proceeding with virtualization projects than migrating applications to the cloud, with 54 percent saying they have virtualization projects on dock for 2011. A resounding 67 percent of respondents said they have no plans to migrate their applications to the cloud next year.

-- Rise of "DevOps" approach: Nearly a third of respondents report that they have adopted a management approach where Development and Operations share the same reporting structure and are jointly responsible for the performance mission-critical applications.

-- Agile and SOA continue to grow in 2011: The vast majority of respondents release new capabilities multiple times per year and operate applications built with SOA architectures. In 2011, 49 percent of respondents say they expect to ramp up agile development, and 66 percent expect to leverage additional SOA initiatives for mission-critical apps.

-- Application outages and performance failures may be due to improper app management: In 2010, 88 percent of respondents reported they experienced at least one Severity 1 problem in regards to mission-critical apps, and nearly 50 percent had experienced five or more such problems. This may be due to the lack of performance management tools. The survey found that 37 percent of respondents "fly blind" and use no APM tool to manage their mission-critical applications, while 30 percent use a homegrown tool.

Comment from Jyoti Bansal, CEO of AppDynamics: Application environments are evolving at a rapid pace, and we see enterprises grappling with a continued state of change and complexity as they adopt SOA and agile development practices and make strides toward virtualization and cloud computing. It's heartening to see companies adopt a DevOps mentality to address application performance management, rather than try to manage this complexity from silos within their organization. We've seen many IT teams succeed with this approach. Applications are at the heart of almost every business today and are mission-critical to most. Making sure that enterprise applications perform as expected and that issues can be identified and remedied quickly - regardless the environment - is crucial to the success of any business.

About the survey: AppDynamics conducted the 2011 Application Performance Management Survey, "Apps on the Move," polling 140 IT professionals who oversee application performance in Java or .NET environments. The survey provides a snapshot of application performance practices in 2010 and how these will evolve in 2011.


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