Thursday, October 21, 2010

Major Concern For IT: Use, Access And Control Of Data In The Cloud

Cloud computing raises serious security concerns among respondents to an IBM survey about the use, access and control of data: 77 percent of respondents believe that adopting cloud computing makes protecting privacy more difficult; 50 percent are concerned about a data breach or loss; and 23 percent indicate that weakening of corporate network security is a concern. Businesses see the promise of the cloud model, but security remains an inhibitor to adoption.

While an information technology (IT) foundation pertains to all cloud computing, providers and users do not generally rely on one generic model for data security. Both cloud providers and users should consider a variety of factors, including the kind of work a client wants to do in the cloud and the mechanisms and controls used. For example, clients who have collaboration tools and email work in the cloud should think about access and policy controls, while clients focused on healthcare in the cloud should be concerned with data isolation and encryption.

These findings have spurred IBM to launch a set of initiatives based on a two-pronged approach to improving cloud security: plan and assess the security strategy for the cloud and obtain security services from the cloud.

Source: IBM's Institute for Business Value 2010 Global IT Risk Study.



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