Monday, April 11, 2011

More Than Half Of IT Pros Expect To Adopt Cloud Storage

More than 57 percent of respondents to a survey expect to adopt cloud storage to store e-mail, front office application data and backup data in the cloud, in that order.

Respondents felt that cloud storage standards are important in advancing the industry and that for many organizations but are more important for public cloud implementations than private clouds. In addition, the security of data stored in the cloud isn't as much of a concern as lack of budget is.

Comment from Wayne M. Adams, Chairman, SNIA Board of Directors: With the SNIA Cloud Data Management Interface (CDMI) standard gaining commercial implementation, the marketplace can reduce vendor lock-in while enabling increased interoperability and data portability across service providers. CDMI is cited in the recent Storage Strategies NOW Cloud Storage market research study as very important standard for public/hybrid clouds that will increasingly be part of cloud RFPs.

About the survey: Information for this report ("Cloud Storage: Adoption, Practice and Deployment") was obtained by Storage Strategies NOW (SSG-NOW) through a number of sources including vendor questionnaires and interviews, end-user and managed service provider (MSP) interactions, available market data and a survey of IT professionals, conducted in the first quarter of 2011. The report defines cloud storage, outlines the explosive growth in cloud storage and details how small and enterprise-size businesses are adopting and deploying cloud storage services for backup, archive, email and bulk storage data. The IT Professionals Cloud Adoption Survey, co-sponsored by the Storage Networking Industry Association, presents information on the status of the cloud storage market.


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