Monday, April 11, 2011

Data Center Cloud Use Rises, Mainframe Usage Declines

There has been significant growth in the adoption of cloud computing, according to a survey. Last year, only 14.9 percent of all data centers had implemented the technology. Today, that percentage has grown to 36.6 percent, with another 35.1 percent seriously considering it. Cloud computing will continue on this trajectory for the next five years, with 80 to 90 percent of all data centers adopting some form of the cloud during that period.

While historically one of the most critical elements of any data center, today, mainframe usage continues to shrink. While mainframes will exist forever in some capacity, their prevalence has been severely diminished.

Other findings:

-- Data centers are not prepared for disasters: More than 15 percent of respondents said their data center has no plan for data backup and recovery. 50 percent have no plan to replace damaged equipment after a disaster; two-thirds of all data centers have no plan or procedure to deal with cyber crime.

-- Web application proliferation: In the survey, 86.6 percent of all respondents reported an increase in the number of web applications they are running today as compared to just three years ago.

-- Even in a down economy, data centers have been expanding in size with 44.2 percent occupying more floor space that they did three years ago. Another 49.4 percent are currently in the process of expanding or are planning to in the near future. Only 16.4 percent have downsized.

-- Greening the data center: While only 3.9 percent of respondents have implemented solar power in their data center, this represents a trend towards integrating renewable energy as part of making more sustainable and energy efficient data centers. While the industry is certainly concerned with the environment, they look to greening as a great way to save substantial money now and even more as time goes on.

-- Biometric security use: Security is always a top concern for data centers, but the survey found the growing use of biometric screening for authorization and access has grown, with a surprising 25 percent of facilities installing the technology to better protect their data centers.

Comment from Richard Sawyer of HP Critical Facility Services: When it comes to disaster recovery, the survey results are indicative of the investment activity we have seen in data centers throughout the recession--focus on immediate needs with business continuity and disaster recovery planning considered a luxury. But now, with the regional disasters in Australia, New Zealand, and Japan, and the turmoil in the Middle East, we are reminded it is a management necessity to be prepared for anything."

Comment from Jill Yaoz, CEO, AFCOM: In an environment where change is an accepted part of day-to-day life, it is important to recognize how data center managers are adapting to the new technologies and directions emerging in the industry. One of the most interesting changes our survey illustrates is the continued transition to the cloud. When we last did this survey in October 2009, very few data centers were even interested in the cloud, let alone actually adapting it. However, now we see that data center managers are more familiar with the risks and concepts, and cloud computing is quickly becoming a new standard of operation."

About the survey: AFCOM, a data center association, conducted the survey of 358 data center managers from around the world to find out how data centers are adapting to the most critical challenges, technologies and economic factors. This latest report proves top issues include the demands of space, energy efficiency, and physical and logical security.


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