Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Key Obstacles To Disaster Recovery Initiatives

Eighty-two percent of respondents to a recent survey indicated that the complexity of procuring and managing multiple data protection tools was the number one obstacle to deploying a comprehensive data protection environment.

In addition:

--  69 percent revealed that the total cost of ownership of purchasing and managing multiple point products was another top concern to implementing a robust disaster recovery plan
--  43 percent of those surveyed highlighted network bandwidth costs as the third barrier to implementing an end-to-end disaster recovery plan

Today's data center is mired with multiple legacy data protection tools that can't keep up with data demands and invites risk at every step. The challenges of managing multiple copies of data across these point tools for backup, disaster recovery, business continuity, analytics and compliance result in an additional 13 to 120 copies of production data stored within the IT infrastructure. This duplication of effort costs 3 to 5 times more than managing the production data itself. The issue is further intensified by the inability to manage data within available business windows -- leaving organizations vulnerable to data and productivity loss and increased risk.

Comment from Ash Ashutosh, CEO of Actifio: The survey confirms the pain administrators face every day in managing the complexity, cost and risk of multiple islands of data protection tools that strain IT resources and stretch network bandwidth performance. Our customers are solving the issue by virtualizing data protection to consolidate disparate disaster recovery applications into a single, fluid data protection environment across the data lifecycle.

About the survey: The survey, conducted by Actifio at the VMware Users Group (VMUG) in January among more than 900 IT professionals, asked data center managers and decision makers at large and medium organizations to rank disaster protection priorities for 2011, based on importance.

Contact: http://www.actifio.com

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