Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Is Cloud Computing Becoming An Essential IT Strategy?

Cloud computing has been the subject of intense debate in the past three years, with arguments vying for the technology and hailing it as the next phase in enterprise IT management while challengers state it is only a new name for existing computing models. More recently however, a number of catalysts such as the increasing smartphone adoption and the current economic climate have pushed cloud computing to the forefront of business and consumer interest.

In a new report, Visiongain expects the global market for cloud computing will grow from $30.6 billion in 2011 to $82.9 billion by 2016. The business segment is increasingly adopting different aspects of cloud services in order to capitalize on the numerous advantages offered in software, platform and infrastructure. Cost-savings, scalability, adaptability to market demands, faster time-to-market and flexible payment methods are enticing large enterprises as well as small and medium sized businesses into the cloud.

The cloud offerings available on the market today are as diverse as they are numerous. The spate of vendors and providers offer different types of models and services which can easily overwhelm those looking to capitalise on the benefits offered by the cloud. Choosing the right provider and service is critical to ensure the cloud offering is appropriate customer's needs. An unsuitable cloud solution can be a major disadvantage, wasting valuable resources, money and time.

The Visiongain report is designed to help businesses understand the cloud landscape. It advises on the advantages and benefits of the different deployment models and service offerings. The spate of vendors and providers can become overwhelming due to the nascent and fragmented nature of the current cloud market which is only now maturing. The report breaks down the market into understandable segments, allowing for a more comprehensive view of the current offers and the different vendors.

Contact: For more information on the report, "Cloud 2011: Moving into the Realm of an Essential IT Strategy," click here.